Frequently Asked

How you can quickly turn your life around with a CPN Number. Imagine waking up tomorrow with perfect credit.

How you can quickly turn your life around with a CPN Number. 
Imagine waking up tomorrow with perfect credit.

What is a CPN?
A CPN number is a 9 digit number you can use in lieu of your social security number for credit reporting purposes only. This process has been around since the early 70’s and isn’t going anywhere.

What is it good for?
With CPN Numbers you can obtain: Auto loans, credit cards, personal loans, business loans, rent an apartment, or buy a house. You cannot use a CPN for filing taxes or background checks, strictly credit!

Is this even legal?
CPN Numbers are 100% legal. The FBI and Cornell law both agree. And law states that banks can not deny you credit if you do not wish to provide your SSN. Your SSN was designed for taxes, banks know this.

Are you serious?
Yes, we have helped thousands of people.
We are going to teach you step by step everything you need to know!

These Are The Things You Cannot Do With A CPN!
You cannot call it your SSN NUMBER, because it is NOT!
You cannot use it for employment purposes.
You cannot buy a home with a Credit Profile Number.
You cannot pay or file taxes with a Credit Profile Numbers.
You cannot secure any government loan with a Credit Profile Number.
You cannot obtain an SSN CARD with a Credit Profile Number.
You cannot use someone else’s name or d.o.b. for a Credit Profile Number.
You cannot join the military with a Credit Profile Number

These rules DO NOT change.. EVER!

There will not be anytime in any future where these rules will change. 

Also remember – Whatever you acquire with your credit profile number is completely your responsibility – It is NOT a free ride!

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